Saturday, June 30, 2007

"Free Gifts"

I must be on the mailing list for many charities. I keep getting asked for $$ with "free gift inside" on the outside, and address labels on the inside. I know this is designed to make me feel guilty for accepting the free gift and send $$. But what is a "Free Gift"? I always thought all gifts were free, with no strings attached, except for the psychological impetus to do something in return.
It's redundant, this "free gifts" phrase, and they don't make me feel guilty for not responding with a check. At least I never have to buy address labels ever again! But stop this "free gift" crap already.



golfwidow said...

I don't know about free gifts. I'm still having trouble wrapping my mind around Ron Popeil telling me that this knife is the only knife I'll ever need, plus, if I act now, I'll get all these other knives.

(But if you ever want to check on a charity that's giving you a "free gift," go to That's how I found out that the American Institute for Cancer Research, who sends me free address labels regularly, isn't the same as the American Cancer Society.)

muthah said...

Thanks for the reference. I have one knife that means I'll never have to buy another. It's serrated and is supposed to cut through a package of frozen vegetables. I don't know whether it does that or not, but I use it all the time. I have also bought me a present of Black & Decker electric scissors. I have trouble getting into almost anything, so I keep those handy all the time, too,
I just watched Larry King's interview with Michael Moore. If only we'd listen to him, 9 million children wouldn't be without health insurance!
